Influence of internal factors on the marketing management process

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Khamula O. H., Sosnovska O. O., Yarema O. R. № 2 (59) 135-143 Image Image

The article presents the most complete set of generalized factors of internal influence on the marketing management process. The initial formalized representation of the relations between the process factors of the marketing management process has been carried out. The necessity to use the hierarchy model to establish links between the factors of the marketing management process has been substantiated. It has been determined that internal factors are factors that are exposed to some degree of influence by the company management. An expert survey has been conducted by leading experts at “Svichado” Publishing House LLC, which made it possible to identify and evaluate the factors of internal influence on the marketing management process. Based on these opinions, we have developed a hierarchy model of major factors of internal influence, which, in addition to ordering the importance of influencing the marketing management process, has allowed further division into subordinate components to identify the degree of weakening or strengthening of the causative factor. As a result, a model that determines the level of influence of selected internal factors on the marketing management process has been synthesized. It has been researched that the biggest influence on the marketing management process is the stage in the product life cycle. Factors such as distribution, communication, technical and technological capabilities of an enterprise have the least internal influence on the marketing management process. It has been proved that if each of the factors is estimated by a number or assigned a weighting factor of priority for the marketing management process, then the importance of the factors matches to the number of hierarchy level. At the same time, the priority of influence of a factor on the marketing management process is a relative value and can be modified depending on the expert evaluation of its effect on the process under study.

Keywords: internal factors influence, marketing activities, management process, bi­nary matrix, the model of hierarchy.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2019-2-59-135-143

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