Influence of paper structure on the amount of loss of information capacity of offset imprints

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Bernatsek V. V., Hlova A. P., Kam’yanska-Hasiuk L. I., Rybka R. V., Ryvak P. M., Shablii I. V. № 1 (56) 71-81 Image Image

The influence of paper structure on the amount of loss of the information capacity of offset imprints has been studied. A comparative analysis of the imprints quality on different types of paper has been carried out on the basis of the information approach.

Taking into account the production needs of today’s printing houses, a modern me­thodology for conducting the experimental research on the imprints quality has been tested with the use of the structured approach of the analysis of individual elements of the printed image, based on which a complex indicator of the quality evaluation is made according to the generalized optimization criterion on Harrington desirability function.

In the basis of the complex method there are several stages, which result in a single concept for calculating a complex indicator. 13 key quality control indicators ha­ve been selected as the criteria for image quality. They are the optical density of the background, the optical density of the imprint, the color difference, the trapping va­lues, the contrast, squeezing, sliding, resolution and separation ability, the control of the colors combination, the “gray” balance; the recommendations are provided for the reproduction of the imprint with small raster elements depending on the type of printed material, microtext. Standardized test scales of various well-known manufacturers with all of the above elements of the printed image quality have been used as test objects.

On the basis of the above mentioned separate quality indicators, complex indexes of the imprints quality have been made which form the assessment of competitiveness by introducing quantitative indicators of the quality of the printing process on the offset press Heidelberg Printmaster GTO52-2 P.

The recommendations on the use of standardized types of paper in sheet-fed offset printing technology have been presented, and the work of the printing press Printmaster GTO 52-2 P has been optimized.

Keywords: sheet offset printing, quality of imprints, optimization of machine ope­ration, information capacity, effective linearity.

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