Information interaction in the «media – audience» system: regional editors expert surveys results

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Bondarenko T. H. № 2 (53) 286-302 Image Image

The article discusses the issue of «media — audience» information interaction and presents the results of the expert survey conducted with the regional editors. The research findings have emphasized the importance of conducting studies to research the real situation with communication between media on the one side and readers, viewers, listeners, users on the other. The study also proved the necessity for analyzing regional practices of establishing the interaction with the audience, which will enable media people to take steps in order to strengthen publication relevancy, to define potential strategies of cooperation with the audience. Based on the scholarly review, we have defined the basic concepts that would be used for theoretical and practical generalizations, including but not limited to the social surveys and expert surveys. To ensure the thorough analysis we have designed special tools to be used to conduct the survey (questionnaires, answer sheets). After analyzing statistical data, conclusions have been made about the real state of the interaction between the media and the audience, thus allowing to offer recommendations how to improve such interaction. Theoretical and practical significance of the study is explained by the presence of generalizations, fixing of regional journalistic experience and the possible use of these results by different media.

Keywords: media, audience, information interaction, feedback, social surveys, expert surveys, media experts.

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