M. Ziber – an outstanding Ukrainian economist of the 19th century to the 180th anniversary of the birth

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Hirniak O. M., Шульський А. М. № 1 (68) 256-268 Image Image

The article examines the life and activities of the outstanding Ukrainian economist of the second half of the 19th century, Mykola Ziber (1844 - 1888). In the process of analyzing his life path, the attention is focused on the results of the research of those scientists whose works are devoted to this personality. These are, first of all, the works of S. Zlupka and A. Vashchyshyn. In addition, the attention was paid to the activities of those prominent figures with whom M. Ziber communicated and who had a significant impact on the formation of his worldview. These are, in particular: M. Bunge, M. Dragomanov, O. Rusov, M. Starytskyi, P. Chubynskyi, S. Podolynskyi, V. Antonovych, and others. At the same time, it is noted that a little more detailed attention is paid to one personality. This is, first of all, M. Bunge (professor, later rector of Kyiv University, from whom M. Ziber studied and began the first steps of teaching work at the university).

Along with this, this publication pays special attention to the participation of M. Zi­ber in the development of the cooperative movement. He manifested himself in cooperation in two guises: as a theoretician and as a practical worker. It is from these positions that the material on his contribution to the development of cooperation is presented. The results of Ziber’s cooperative activities are relevant for today’s conditions of development of the cooperative movement in various spheres of social relations.

Keywords: M. Ziber, M. Bunge, S. Podolynsky, economic relations, cooperation, cooperative movement, cooperative (consumer) societies.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2024-1-68-256-268

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