Management of formation and development of technical-technological potential of printing enterprises

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Bozhenko O. M. № 1 (56) 187-192 Image Image

The analysis of scientific publications on the resource potential, in particular, technical and technological potential of enterprises, has been carried out. The main tendencies of the development of technics and technology at the present stage have been studied, which determine the basic requirements for the formation of the technical basis of the enterprise. The state of the technical and technological base, the efficiency of the use of technical and technological potential and the principles of reducing the resource efficiency and the efficiency of a number of printing enterprises have been researched.

The theoretical principles and main directions of the formation and the development of technical and technological potential of the publishing and printing industry and the foundations of the methodology of its economic substantiation have been developed.

Deepening the research of the basic principles of the formation of technical and technological potential on the basis of promising directions of technics and technology development will provide better knowledge of the enterprises of the industry and will help in choosing the ways to improve and develop their technical and technological basis. The methodical recommendations will increase the validity of managerial decisions on the selection and implementation of technical and technological innovations in accordance with the goals and objectives of the enterprise development and its potential.

Keywords: technical and technological potential, technical and technological ba­se, technics, technology, formation, development, economic efficiency.

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