Mathematical model structure of hierarchical standards influencing the design quality of electronic editions for children with paropsis

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Khamula O. H., Vasiuta S. P., Yatsiv M. R. № 2 (51) 27-34 Image Image

The article considers the possibility of using of multimedia resources in inclusive education, the applied computer technology of certain conditions and rules. The impact factors which influence the design quality of electronic edition have been analyzed. The graph of interconnections between factors which are hierarchically organized by priority of impacts on modelling process of the electronic edition phase development has been elaborated for the first time. The conclusion made from the results has been applied to significant values at electronic multimedia resources creating compositions of publication. The results have confirmed that it has been this definite factor which affects the other ones considered by the authors; at the lowest level it is a colour that has been used in addition creating. The results can be valuable for the following researchers who will create the similar program resources for inclusive education.

Keywords: electronic edition, matrix, graph theory, methods of system analysis.

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