Methodical foundations for the formation of management system of safety activities at the enterprises

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Fostiak V. I. № 1 (56) 201-207 Image Image

Since the moment of origination of the idea of opening a business before the li­qui­dation of a business entity, the main and key condition for the operation and achievement of the goals is the process of safety precautions. Safety activity, as the newest direction in the field of the enterprise security, focuses on ensuring the dynamic stability of functioning through protection from external and internal threats and minimizing risks. The expediency of applying a systematic approach to the management system for the safety activity in Ukrainian enterprises has been justified.

The place of the management system of the safety activity in the enterprise management system has been determined on the basis of a functional approach. Func­tional subsystems of the enterprise management include: production, marketing, finance, personnel, innovation and, in our opinion, security. It has been proved that without taking into account the security aspect, any other functional component as well as the enterprise as a whole is doomed to decay and destruction as systems of different order.

The key tasks of the management system of the safety activity in such a set are determined as: the collection, the generalization, the verification and the systematization of information on the external environment; the assessment of the level of security of the enterprise; predicting the impact of external and internal threats; the formation of the necessary resource support for the actions of security subjects; the assessment of the effectiveness of implementation of management decisions by security subjects; the organization of control over the effectiveness of the management system of the safety activity, making changes for the improvement.

The content of the key stages in the formation of the management system of the safety activities of the enterprise has been singled out and characterized. It has been justified that the formation of the management system of the safety activity provides the creation of conditions for the construction of the system of economic security as a system of lower order. It is the management system of the safety activity that ensures the interconnection of the economic security system with all the functional components and brings out the problem of ensuring the safety of the enterprise from the secondary to the top priority, without the solution of which in the market conditions no economic entity can exist.

Keywords: safety, safety activity, system, management system of the safety activity.

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