Modeling and computer determination of the initial phase optimum value for oscillating cylinders axial motion

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Bilan V. P., Huk I. B., Verkhola M. I. № 1 (56) 20-30 Image Image

In this article we consider the problem of determining the initial phase optimal value of the oscillating cylinders axial motion on an example of ink printing system with serial structure. The system structure includes an ink feeding device, two oscillating cylinders, one of which is in contact with the transfer roller, and the other with a form roller, from which the surface ink is transferred to the form printing elements and through the offset cylinder is applied to the imprints. To solve the initial problem, a mathematical model has been developed which describes the ink transporting process, taking into account the circular and axial motion of the oscillating cylinders. The model’s structural scheme has been constructed which takes into account the ink printing system topology and geometric dimensions. Based on the ink printing system, the mathematical and structural models and a simulator in the Matlab Simulink environment have been developed, which makes it possible to reproduce the processes of ink circular and axial distribution and transfer that occur during the printing production. The simulation of such ink printing system and the oscillating cylinders axial movement influence analysis to ink redistribution for ink printing system output in the imprints transverse direction has been carried out. The nature of the oscillating cylinders initial phase influence in accordance with the printed plate on the uniformity of the ink thickness in imprint j zones along the printing direction and the corresponding graphic dependences have been obtained. According to the modeling results of the printing process and the ink transfer to the output of the ink printing system on the printed material, while changing the size of the oscillating cylinders initial movement phase, it is possible to determine the optimal parameters, which will provide the slightest variations in the ink thickness on the imprints. When changing the printed image plot, that is, for each new printing plate, it is necessary to re-simulate the work of the ink printing system and to determine the oscillating cylinders initial phase optimal values. The suggested method of computer determination of the oscillating cylinders initial phase optimal values for their adjustment on the given printed products plot significantly reduces the setup time for oscillating cylinders and accordingly reduces the cost of paper and ink in the preparation of the ink printing system to replicate the imprints.

Keywords: ink printing system, mathematical model, structural diagram, oscillating cylinders, axial motion, initial phase, computer simulation, uniform thickness of ink, imprints, setup.

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