Models of intensity factors of COVID-19 vaccinations taking into account predicates of semantic networks

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Pikh I. V., Senkivskyi V. M., Теслюк В. М., Цмоць І. Г. № 1 (64) 63-75 Image Image

The consequences of the COVID pandemic led to the combined efforts of physicians and virologists to create tools to counter the active spread of COVID-19 worldwide. The development and use of anti-COVID vaccines reduce the number of infected and restore regular human activity. However, achieving the required level and results of vaccination is unfortunately accompanied by a lack of awareness of the need for this procedure, the emergence of false claims about its effectiveness and possible negative consequences. Not the least role in this situation should be given to the harmful effects of certain groups of people, which can be called “anti-vaccines”. It is also clear that this problem significantly affects the socio-economic situation, which influences all spheres of society. On the other hand, there is a lack of a wide range of scientifically sound researches of the voiced issues, insufficient attention is paid to a deeper analysis of the factors influencing the intensity and effectiveness of vaccination.

The suggested article analyzes the publications on this topic and notes the lack of work focused on the use of modern information technology to study the mentioned issues. As a result, there is a lack of research related to the formation of components of the information database aimed at identifying factors influencing the vaccination process, establishing and formalizing the links between them, prioritizing the factors involved in this process. The publication focuses on the isolation and formalized reproduction of many factors related to the COVID-19 vaccination process. A graphical representation of the relationships between factors is done using the semantic network – the basis of the information database, which became the initial prerequisite for the implementation of the research objectives. Types of dependencies between factors in the network with the use of predicate language constructions are introduced. A formalized description of the semantic network is done using the types of dependencies and atomic predicates. Predicate weighting factors are calculated for the specified types of relationships between factors. The levels of factor preferences are determined by means of hierarchy modeling methodology and ranking method and a multilevel model of their priority influence on the vaccination process is synthesized.

Keywords: factor, vaccination, semantic network, dependency types between factors, pre­dicates, coefficients of predicate weight, ranking, multilevel model of vaccination intensity factors.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2022-1-64-63-75

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