Organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring the company entrepreneurial success

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Bosak I. P., Homolska V. V. № 1 (62) 167-175 Image Image

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the formation of organizational and economic mechanism for business success, as the analysis of practical experience in managing domestic enterprises in modern conditions shows the imperfection of existing mechanisms for effective management in the context of their development and commercial success. It is determined that the market economy requires special approaches to the functioning of enterprises and this requires the appropriate improvement of theoretical and methodological and applied aspects of the formation of organizational and economic mechanism in the context of ensuring business success. It is substantiated that the organizational and economic mechanism of ensuring the entrepreneurial success is a system of effective elements of organization, search and mobilization of income and corresponding economic tools, as well as the optimal use of production resources.

The influence of important factors on the effective functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism and ensuring the entrepreneurial success of business entities has been established. It is noted that external factors play a key role in the receipt of profits by businesses and achieve the appropriate level of success, and internal factors affect their profitability.

It is argued that the organizational and economic mechanism of enterprises in market conditions should be formed as a set of organizational measures and measures of economic nature of external and internal action, which in the process of close interaction and interrelation have an active impact on economic interest of economic entities, efficiency and ensuring sustainable development of production. The main stages of building an organizational and economic mechanism for business success are identified and the main levers of influence are characterized, the combination of which allows to achieve the desired results in the enterprise. In the process of research, a system of indicators for assessing the entrepreneurial activity success is designed to form proposals for improving the efficiency of commercial activity.

Keywords: organizational and economic mechanism, components of success, en­su­ring entrepreneurial success, efficiency of activity, success factors.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2021-1-62-167-175

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