Peculiarities of application of marketing tools in sports communications

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Karnaukh A. S. № 2 (57) 149-158 Image Image

The article is devoted to the study of the features of the application of marketing tools in the system of sports communications in Ukraine. The author has analyzed the trends in the development of marketing communications in the field of sports. The influence of marketing tools on the development of sports communications has been studied. The application of a complex of integrated marketing communications in the system of sports communications in Ukraine has been analyzed. It has been revealed how each of the elements of the marketing mix affects the promotion and popularization of sports. The practical implementation of the eight-step SIMCM model, which can be the starting point for the development of sports communications, has been studied. Together with traditional marketing strategies in the system of sports communications, it is suggested to apply the latest ones and adapt them to the factors of the impact of the external and internal environment. It has been revealed that for the development of sports communications it is necessary to develop and implement sports sponsorship projects that will allow the sports industry to enter a substantially new level of functioning.

The ability to respond to changes quickly in these factors and flexible adaptation to changing the environments create the basis for the development and operation of sports communications. In order to respond in a timely manner, it is necessary to focus on a detailed study of marketing tools, the use of which will create preconditions for the use of opportunities in implementing strategies for the development of sports communications. The complex of integrated marketing communications, in particular, advertising and sales promotion will lead to a substantially new level and will ensure the performance of the sports industry such functions as social and economic. At the present time, sports communication provides social construction of the sports industry, stimulating the interest of citizens in healthy lifestyles and encouraging people to engage in professional or mass sports.

Keywords: sports communications, influence factors, development strategy, integ­ra­ted marketing communications, sport sponsorship, eight-step model of SIMCM, mar­ke­ting tools.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2018-2-57-149-158

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