Priorities of technological stages of book preparation and production

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Senkivskyi V. M., Pikh I. V., Senkivska N. Ye., Kalynii I. V. № 1 (60) 17-25 Image Image

The creation of models on the basis of the information field (knowledge bases and databases) of the process of book production and the development of corresponding information technologies with the use of means of theory of operations analysis, system analysis, the theory of the hierarchical multilevel systems has become a further step in claim of a new direction oriented to the proper level of perfection of technological process that will assist the stage-by-stage formation and forecasting assessment and thus providing the proper quality of the printed products. The process of preparation and production of printed materials, especially books, involves the existence of a logically sound sequence of technological stages, which include the design of editions, prepress, printing and postpress processing. One will consider an important task to identify and prioritize the impact of technological factors on the formation of quality indicators of printing products. According to the general methodology of forecasting and quality assurance of the technology of printed product production, the primary task of solving the problem is to identify factors that have a decisive influence on the quality of the fulfillment of main stages and operations of the publishing and printing process. It is important to expertly establish the relationship between factors and stages, based on which the weight levels and numerical indicators of the degree of their impact on the quality of the stages are identified, which will ultimately lead to an integrated quality indicator of the overall process.

The problem of determination of the optimal variant of the edition production is set forth in the offered research, taking into account the priority of influence on the process of the technological stages. The review of literary sources is carried out on these subjects. Theoretical principles of the method of the linear convolution of criteria and multivariable optimization are presented as the basic means of the research. The semantic network of connections between the stages is worked out, on the basis of which the matrix of pairwise comparisons is designed. Processing the matrix has provided the establishment of weight values of priority influence of the stages on the publishing and printing process. The forecasting values of the participation level of each of the stages in realization of alternatives are set. The alternative variants of implementation of the technological process are designed according to the priorities of the stages. The utility functions are calculated and the optimal variant of the scheme of preparation and production of book editions is identified.

Keywords: the stage of the edition production, semantic network, matrix of pairwise comparisons, priority, Pareto set, utility function, alternative and optimal variants of processes realization.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2020-1-60-17-25

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