Problems of emotional burnout in the educational environment

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Zachepa A. M., Mykytiuk O. M., Selmenska Z. M. № 1 (62) 183-191 Image Image

The article is devoted to the problems of emotional health in the educational environment of the university. Over the past year, more and more psychologists and psychiatrists are talking not so much about the professional stress of research and teaching staff and students during the pandemic, but about the presence of emotional burnout. This syndrome develops against the background of constant occupational stress during a pandemic. Emotional burnout is associated primarily with constant emotional overload, with constant interpersonal communication, with certain manifestations of cognitive dissonance. The urgency of the problem of the study of burnout at present can be explained by increased demands on personal professional qualities, as well as the need to find ways to correct and prevent emotional burnout and counteract stressors during a pandemic.

In this article, the authors highlight the results of an empirical study of the state of emotional burnout in the educational environment of the educational institution in the context of the study of emotional health. The research is conducted using three methods with groups of teachers and students in the period 2019–2020. Ways to prevent emotional burnout in research and teaching staff and students, including both preventive and psychocorrectional with the use of training sessions, other technologies. The syndrome of emotional burnout in research and teaching staff and students during the pandemic is, in essence, a process of changing the orientation of the individual in the intra-individual space, which includes individual changes (psycho-constitutional features and changes in subjective and personal attitudes to professional activities). violation of self-identification (cognitive dissonance) The problem of combating emo­tional burnout of research and teaching staff during the coronavirus pandemic requires further research and study.

Keywords: mental health, emotional burnout, educational environment, higher edu­cation institution.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2021-1-62-183-191

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