Problems of formation and development of operational infrastructure of enterprises of publishing and printing activity

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Bazyliuk V. B., Bezpalko I. R. № 2 (61) 115-123 Image Image

A review and analysis of the peculiarities of the formation and development of the operational infrastructure of publishing and printing companies in modern business conditions and substantiation of the structural and logical scheme of this infrastructure have been done. The basics of systemic and evolutionary approaches to the formation and development of publishing and printing enterprises are studied, which allows to identify trends in the development of operational infrastructure and to identify factors that significantly affect the development of activities. The conditions of transition to the information economy are considered, under which the composition of the operational infrastructure of publishing and printing enterprises expands and the components of the infrastructure are transformed towards a gradual reorientation to electronic publications. It is determined that the transition to the information economy necessitates the expansion of the infrastructure of publishing and printing enterprises in the following three areas: institutional infrastructure; business support infrastructure; infrastructure markets. The analysis of methodological approaches has made it possible to carry out comprehensive planning of the development of the operational infrastructure of publishing and printing enterprises, taking into account the tasks of forming all components of infrastructure. The structural and logical scheme of research of formation and development of an operational infrastructure of the enterprises of publishing and printing activity is developed. A study of the essence of the institution of infrastructure outlines its differences from the concept of market infrastructure.

Keywords: operational infrastructure, publishing and printing activity, enterprise, development, formation.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2020-2-61-115-123

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