Providing the enterprise corporate security: theoretical aspects

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Shyra T. B. № 2 (57) 103-109 Image Image

The urgency and importance of ensuring safe development conditions for all business entities in Ukraine tends to increase, due to the lack of real prerequisites for stabilizing the economic situation. It has been found out that in the scientific literature there are three key approaches to the interpretation of the concept «economic security of the enterprise»: the stability of the enterprise as a socio-economic system, its ability to self-development and achievement of interests; most effective use of available resources to eliminate threats and achieve interests; protection of the enterprise from external and internal threats. The identified key approaches have become the basis for justifying the expediency of considering the theoretical aspects of corporate security provision.

The key features inherent to corporations in economically developed countries have been identified: the corporation is a legal entity; the corporation is founded through the pooling of capital through voluntary contributions; limited liability of participants, that is, investors, which helps to reduce their risks, while at the same time the corporation is able to obtain the necessary financial resources; the property is separated from management; significant concentration of managerial functions at higher levels of the hierarchical structure; corporate rights are determined by the share of a participant in the authorized capital.

It has been proved that the corporate security of the company should be aimed at: implementing the protection of the corporation, including from the negative effects of external and internal threats; ensuring the most effective use of available corporate resources; achievement of corporate interests; interference with corporate conflicts; formation of safe conditions for sustainable development of the enterprise.

The purpose of corporate security has been defined as the achievement of corporate interests through the effective use of available resources and the ability to organize the protection that enables the creation of safe conditions for the sustainable development of the enterprise.

It has been substantiated that in the functional structure of corporate security it is expedient to allocate the following components: economic; financial; personnel; technical and technological; informative; power.

The emphasis is on the importance of achieving corporate interests.

Keywords: security, economic security, corporate security, corporation, interest, threat.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2018-2-57-103-109

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