Removal of waste from die-cut cardboard blanks (experimental evaluation of technological load)

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Kandiak N. M., Olishkevych V. Yu., Ternytskyi S. V. № 2 (55) 47-60 Image Image

In this article, the research of technological efforts that arise during the operation of waste removal from the die-cut sheet of cardboard has been carried out. This allows getting the exact and systematized value of the destroying force of connecting bridges that depends on the thickness, type and direction of fibers disposition of cardboard. The method and means of research of the technological destroying efforts of connecting bridges has been improved, which allows to obtain the dependence of the destruction effort on the vertical movement of the destructive tool. The article presents the analysis of the influence of sizes of connecting bridges and apertures in a matrix plate (stripping board) on the value of the force of their destruction. The next studies of loads in the automatic machines for the improvement of technical means are foreseen on the obtained results.

Keywords: cardboard consumer packaging, die-cutting, connecting bridges, tech­nological destruction effort, cardboard, internal waste, front trim.

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