Research of quality in media planning of advertising appeal

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Kovalskyi B. M., Holubnyk T. S., Dubnevych M. M., Selmenska Z. M. № 2 (67) 51-57 Image Image

The list of applications of 3D technologies in various fields is revealed. The article describes and analyzes the criteria for selecting the addressee’s channel, which are presented in the form of a diagram. A high-quality advertising message is delivered to the audience using the most appropriate advertising medium. When promoting a product to the market, it is very important to make the right choice of the most effective means of advertising, the success of the company depends on the right choice. The task of media planning is determined, which consists in optimizing the placement scheme of advertising materials based on objective indicators. It is determined that the effectiveness of the advertising appeal on the target audience will largely depend on what part of this audience the advertising message signal has reached and how many advertising contacts with the appeal have been made by the representatives of the target audience. A methodology is used using indicators: reach, frequency and cost of consumer contact (presented in formulas), which affect the profitability of advertising. Indicators characterizing the effectiveness of the advertising appeal to the target audience are presented. In addition, practical conclusions for media planning are described, which are based on the research of Wilhelm Wundt (the results of numerous laboratory experiments were reflected in the presented dependencies) and prove that the coverage indicators with frequencies should not be less than the threshold and close to the optimal value. The most effective way to conduct an advertising campaign will be if there is a break between advertising periods. It is also advisable to take into account the seasonality of purchasing demand. The effectiveness of advertising based on determining the profitability of advertising appeals on selected channels has been proven.

Keywords: media planning, advertising appeal, coverage, frequency, profitability.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2023-2-67-51-57

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