Selection of the alternative processes of old books digitalization

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Гаврилишин О. Б., Repeta V. B., Senkivskyi V. M. № 1 (60) 11-16 Image Image

On the basis of factors ranking, the design of their interrelations model and the impact on the quality of the technological process of old books digitization, the alternative processes have been formed and the best option for ensuring the quality of digitization using multicriteria optimization (Multi-Attribute Utility Theory) has been defined. Using the Pareto technique, four priority factors have been selected: f1 - the condition of the old book, f2 - features of the scanning equipment, f3 - software functionality, and f4 - the range of optical density. The multi-criteria selection of the alternative is based on the method of linear convolution of factors, the essence of which is to linearly combine all partial target functionalities into one. On the basis of processing of pairwise comparisons matrices with indication of advantages of these factors, utility functions of alternatives are calculated. To check the consistency of the results, the eigenvalue of the priority vector max, the consistency index IU and the consistency ratio WU for each matrix have been determined A multifactor assessment of alternative processes is obtained. The maximum value of the utility function is obtained for the alternative in which the determining factor is to give preference to the factor “Condition of an old book” with a value of U1 = 0,34. The “Сondition of an old book” is crucial for the digitization process, as it determines the possibility of scanning it on certain equipment with optimal lighting, it determines the range of optical density that needs to be adjusted during the digital copy processing or to use other methods to compensate for areas of the image.

Keywords: old books digitization, alternative processes, matrix of pairwise com­pa­risons, consistency index, process quality factors, utility function.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2020-1-60-11-16

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