Semantic network of quality factors of the book publishing process

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Selmenska Z. M., Плахтина З. І. № 2 (67) 154-161 Image Image

This article is devoted to the analysis of one of the prepress process stages, the layout, which can be considered one of the main stages, since the quality of the finished book edition directly depends on its quality. The layout process ensures the stylistic and technical commonality of the design, as well as the artistic integrity of the publication, using technical rules, norms and standards.

The main tasks of the book publication preparation process are to create an individual image of the book, to choose an artistic and graphic concept that would best reflect the idea and content of the publication, while linking all the elements that make up the work and forming its exceptional graphic appearance.

A book publication is a rather complex, systemic entity, that is why it should be considered in the context of interdependent and interrelated elements. Thus, the publication as a whole is an information system, the evaluation of which involves a preliminary determination of the factors of cumulative impact on the quality of preparation.

The article describes the main factors influencing the book layout process and provides a theoretical explanation of each of them: type of publication, dimensional parameters of the publication, nature of illustrative information, layout complexity group, creation of templates, compositional design, preparation for output. As a result of the study of the selected criteria, it seems appropriate to represent the relationship between the factors in the form of a semantic network, which is an oriented graph, where each of the vertices corresponds to a concept, phenomenon or process, and the arcs are the relationship between them.

In addition, the mechanism of using the logic of predicates, which is part of mathematical logic and is represented by terms (any variables, constants or functions) and the relationships between them — predicates, is outlined. Thus, the use of predicate logic is to derive all the relationships between factors, taking into account the structure of the semantic network.

Keywords: semantic network, book layout process, first-order logic, predicate logic, factors of influence.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2023-2-67-154-161

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