Synthesis of the model of factors of influence on quality of electronic journal design

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Senkivskyi V. M., Заяць О. Є. № 1 (60) 33-42 Image Image

The recommended article is devoted to the issue of designing digital copies of periodicals, which include electronic journals. The tools for its solution were the methods of systems analysis, modelling theory, discrete mathematics, including graph theory, which ensured the formation of a multilevel model of the priority influence of certain factors on the quality of the e-journal design process.

The study of relevant literature sources has confirmed the thesis that previous re­search has a slightly different specificity of the use of modelling methods and determining the factors influencing the quality of electronic publications or contains a generalized description of the process of multifactor modelling. Determining the factors of influence is a subjective process that can lead to different results depending on the person who makes the final decision when modelling the publishing process. That is why the research will make it possible to establish the priority of criteria that should be taken into account when designing electronic journals to achieve the appropriate level of quality.

The set of the most significant factors influencing the quality of the e-journal design process has been singled out and an oriented graph of connections between them has been constructed. A binary reachability matrix has been formed, on the basis of which iterative tables have been designed, the processing of which has provided a basic multilevel model of priorities of factors involved in the process of designing the journal. According to the method of modelling hierarchies, optimized weight values of factors have been calculated, the comparison of which with the results of the basic model confirmed the reliability of certain priorities of their influence on the e-journal design process.

Keywords: factor, quality, design, electronic journal, set of factors, graphical model, reachability matrix, iterative tables, hierarchy, multilevel model, pairwise comparison, optimization.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2020-1-60-33-42

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