Theoretical and methodological bases of the process of conduct and assessment of the enterprise integration

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Bazyliuk V. B., Bezpalko I. R., Скарбарчук Т. В. № 1 (68) 284-291 Image Image

The theoretical and methodological bases for the development and implementation of business projects related to the unification of enterprises are presented and summarized, and the most used approaches from the standpoint of assessing the integration interaction are considered. Conceptual bases and approaches of types of the integration interaction of business entities in the process of formation of associations of enterprises are studied. The main manifestations of synergy are outlined, which made it possible to determine the sources of the synergistic effect and determine the conditions for its implementation. The own vision of the process of integration of economic entities is presented using a structural-logical model, which makes it possible to assess the benefit from obtaining a synergistic effect, taking into account the advantages and goals of forming an association of enterprises. The proposed model consists of three main directions: the development of the integration strategy, the implementation of the integration strategy, and the assessment of the integration effectiveness. The formed assessment methodology is based on the identification of the main directions of obtaining the synergy effect with the help of formalization in three main directions of obtaining synergistic effects: operational and financial. The need to develop a model for carrying out the integration of enterprises requires the definition of basic stages, principles, organizational design of information and analytical support and the assessment of the effectiveness of the newly created association, which provided the opportunity to assess the benefit from the synergistic effect, taking into account the advantages and goals of the formation.

Keywords: integration, merger of enterprises, assessment of interaction, synergistic effect, operational synergy; financial synergy; investment synergy.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2024-1-68-284-291

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