Tokenization of vector graphics in the context of tactile graphics synthesis

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Джуринський Є. А., Maik V. Z. № 2 (67) 11-20 Image Image

In the field of inclusive publishing, the development of tactile illustration requires an appropriate set of competencies from the designer. Due to the relative shortage of personnel on the labor market among fine arts specialists who have knowledge related to the technical execution of convex-tactile graphics, the process of finding and placing such an employee at a publishing house is a non-trivial task, because it requires both time and financial costs. At the same time, publishing houses are forced to include an additional cost item, which is the training of such workers. The above applied problems can be solved with the help of information systems for the synthesis of tactile graphics, which, using the means of artificial intelligence, will partially or completely replace the designer of tactile illustrations. The work considers one of the stages of solving the problem of synthesis of tactile graphics, namely, the tokenization of vector graphics, which is perfectly suited as a format for presenting tactile graphics. Tokenization implies the representation of the original information (in this case – vector graphics) in another – more optimal representation, which can be used by a model based on artificial intelligence. The purpose of this research is to determine the expediency of using the technique of tokenization of tactile graphics in vector representation in the task of synthesizing tactile graphics. The paper considers two methods of tokenization, which differ in the architecture of the artificial intelligence model: a VAE-based model and a transformer-based model. Despite the fact that both models were primarily developed to solve other problems, nevertheless, the approach they use can be borrowed and adapted to the problem that is the subject of this study. The work provides an analysis of the listed models, with the determination of their advantages and disadvantages, and with the formalization of the principle of operation of these solutions. During the analysis, it is found that the considered models nullify the advantages of the vector representation of tactile graphics, which is primarily due to the low bandwidth of the considered models (at the same time, there are other circumstances that are given in the main part). At the end, the conclusion to which this study led is given, which is the impossibility of using the given approaches.

Keywords: information technology, artificial intelligence, model, tokenization technique, illustration requirements, image processing, tactile graphics, inclusive illustration, inclusive literature, Braille.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2023-2-67-11-20

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