Alternative variants of implementation of the process of the edition recording on a carrier

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Kalynii I. V., Pikh I. V., Senkivska N. Ye., Senkivskyi V. M. № 1 (58) 55-61 Image Image

The preprint stage of preparation of book editions contains the important procedure of the edition recording on a material carrier, except the processes of planning and composition design of a future book. It accumulates in itself the results of the previous processing of printed products and prepares the material background for implementation of the printing process. The researches performed in the indicated direction are oriented to the analysis and processing the information factors and their influence on effectiveness of the technological procedures completion, that predetermines the application of corresponding methods and means of system analysis, the theory of analysis of operations, the theory of fuzzy sets for forming and predictive evaluation of the studied process quality.

The received models of priority influence of the distinguished factors on quality of the edition recording on a material carriers serve as the grounds for a decision-making about their importance, taking into account the participation of certain factor in the process of implementation of technological procedures. Using mathematical terminology, we have necessary output data in relation to the level of influence of factor on a process, however they are insufficient for their complete practical embodiment. Thus, not only the knowledge about conditional importance of a factor is substantial. It is needed to study what labour intensiveness must be spent on each of factors, if it identifies an action, or how important certain materials or equipment are at the combined cooperation of factors for the achievement of the proper (or predictive) quality of a product or a process. The tasks of such type belong to the class of calculation of alternative variants and the selection of the best (optimal) one from them according to a certain criterion, to which a task of multi-criterion (multivariable) optimization refers, connected with making decision in its turn.

The essence of processes of planning and calculation of alternative and optimal variants of implementation of technological procedures has been considered in the work. The informative base of the executed research are the factors, that form Pareto set, and results of evaluation of alternatives after the conditionally expressed parts of influence of factor on effectiveness of certain alternative in the designed variants. The theory of analysis of operations has been applied as well, one of the directions of which is the selection of alternatives, constructed on the basis of the method of the linear coagulation of criteria and multivariable optimization. The functions of utility, that serve as an instrument of establishment of the optimal variant of implementation of the process of book edition recording on a carrier have been calculated.

Keywords: factor, Pareto set, alternative and optimal variants of implementation of processes, function of utility, quality of edition recording on a carrier.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2019-1-58-55-61

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