Economic justification of options for technical preparation of newspaper production

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Batyn V. P., Lazanovskyi P. P. № 2 (57) 141-148 Image Image

The article focuses on the modern features of the technical and technological processes of the preparation and production of newspaper products. It is noted that, in spite of certain established practice of newspaper production, it is almost always necessary to consider both relatively small and sometimes significant differences in the parameters of each of its numbers and, especially, taking into account their cost effectiveness.

It is emphasized on the urgency of developing the technical preparation of production of printing products in accordance with modern multidimensional market proposals regarding the choice of technical and technological enterprises, as well as organizational possibilities for their implementation. Techno-technological and organizational peculiarities of the newspaper production process in the current crisis conditions of the functioning of publishing and printing structures are considered. The feasibility of applying a multivariate approach in developing projects for the technical preparation of production of newspaper products is emphasized in order to choose the most economically correct solution for it. It is noted that the final technical preparation of the production of newspaper products should be aimed at ensuring its high economic efficiency, and therefore all its technical and technological measures a priori considered rational only if such a condition. The economic justification of three variants of the technical preparation of the newspaper publishing process with the choice of the optimal one is fulfilled. The variants of possible market ratio of expenses and profit (profitability) are suggested at forming of prices for newspaper products and their graphic interpretation is presented. It is proved that the level of efficiency of one or another variant of the technical preparation of production of newspaper products should be achieved by minimizing costs at all its stages. It is emphasized that technical and technological rationality and economic feasibility of production of any kind of products depends on economic, marketing and other management measures. The prospects of research on all scientific and practical subjects are determined.

Keywords: newspaper products, technical preparation of production, technical and technological decision, costs, economic efficiency.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2018-2-57-141-148

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