Modern transformation and their impact on the economic development of Ukraine

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Oneshchak O. Ya., Palyha I. Ye., Palyha Ye. M., Yarema O. R. № 2 (59) 90-96 Image Image

The essence of modern transformations and their influence on the economic development of Ukraine of functioning of the main institutions in the conditions of rea­lization of sustainable development projects, including state institutions of publishing and printing activity have been explained. The main factors have been formed hampering the process of ensuring sustainable economic development, which affect the sustainable socio-economic revival of the state. Changes of paradigm in production, improvement of quality of goods have been suggested, due to the use of modern technologies, as a new stage of development of society and economy «Industry 4.0» through the formation of global architecture in the era of the fourth industrial revolution in our country. The main reasons that hamper the development of small business in Ukraine have been highlighted. Significant aspects of realization of the project on European integration processes of development of Ukraine are grounded for the prospect of increasing its rating of ease of doing business, broader combination of modern information and communication technologies with industrial production, the analysis of business structures in publishing and printing is made. The following assumptions have been made, in particular, that strategic development measures in Ukraine are important, namely beneficial companies with high technological levels of production based on the close interconnection of public authorities, research institutions and business through the involvement of both public and private sources of financing. The peculiarities of the business activities of printing companies and their impact on the economic development of the country as a whole, as well as the urgent need for the development of high-tech sectors of the economy, modernization of production, progressive and creative services targeted at a specific segment of consumers, primarily stimulating the domestic market are taken into account.

Keywords: modern transformations in economy, macroeconomic stabilization, pub­li­shing and printing activity, sustainable economic development, information and com­mu­nication technologies, Industry 4.0, small business, business structures in prin­ting.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2019-2-59-90-96

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