Multimedia story genre

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Nesterenko O. A. № 2 (53) 346-355 Image Image

The article examines the new genre of modern journalistic texts appearing due to the development of multimedia communication and information technologies. The research findings proved that modern theoretical works neither give enough justification for a long read (long form stories) as an independent genre, nor specify its features. Now a new media format is being intensively developed: it is synthesizing various features of genre forms, practicing multimedia tools, thus making it difficult to identify distinguished approaches to classify its varieties. Among the features of long read genre there were differentiated the clear structure, abundance of “first person” quotes, and proximity to narrative (literary) journalism. The dominant genre characteristic of the long read is the story compared to a one-day piece of news or acute problem situation. There were analyzed its possible structural elements. The article concludes that multimedia stories should be classified into the following types according to their genre features: rational genres of journalism (news feature, commentary, analytical articles, expert interviews), emotional journalistic genres (emotional reporting, feature, personal interviews, and portrait, sketch).

Keywords: genre, journalism, Internet resource, Internet platform, longread, multimedia, multimedia story, format.

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