Study of the elastic deformation amount of the flat die-cutting press parts being in constant contact

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Четербух О. Ю. № 2 (65) 112-119 Image Image

The main advantages and disadvantages of the flat die-cutting equipment, which is the most common among all methods of manufacturing cardboard packaging blanks, are presented. Facts and factors are listed that directly affect the amount of technological effort that occurs during the operation of die-cutting blanks of cardboard packaging. The advantages of strength calculations based on the deformation amount, rather than contact stresses, are described with arguments. Researches that deal with the problems of contact deformations are given. The scheme of the drive mechanism of the movable pressure plate of the flat die-cutting press, which includes a cam and rollers, is presen­ted, for which analytical studies of the elastic deformation amount of parts that are in constant contact and are executive elements are carried out. The following expressions are used to determine the maximum contact stresses, the half-width of the contact plane, and the amount of elastic deformation at the point of contact between the roller and the cam of the drive mechanism of the movable pressure plate of the flat die-cutting press. The results of an analytical study of the elastic deformation amount at the point of contact of the roller and the cam, which are in constant contact, with several laws of pe­rio­dic motion of the roller are presented. Practical recommendations are given regarding the selection of the law of periodic movement of the roller for the studied drive mechanism of the movable pressure plate of the flat die-cutting press with the specified geometric dimensions and kinematic parameters.

Keywords: flat die-cutting press, drive mechanism, scheme, research, deformation amount, laws of periodic motion.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2022-2-65-112-119

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