Using of monitoring system in formation of innovation policy of an enterprise

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Kobryn L. Y. № 2 (57) 124-131 Image Image

The article deals with theoretical and methodological approaches and substantiates the necessity of using the monitoring system in the formation of innovation policy within the framework of the general policy of the enterprise. This will allow the enterprise to redistribute resources and prioritize with a view to choosing the most relevant trends in the development of new technologies.

The innovation policy is an integral part of the company’s general policy aimed at the development and the implementation of innovations, the realization of innovative opportunities of the company in order to increase its competitiveness. The greatest influence on making of managerial decisions in the formation of innovation policy is the results of the analysis of external conjuncture factors and the internal environment of the enterprise. In order to anticipate positive events in a timely manner and identify negative trends, as well as assess their possible impact on the effectiveness of the process of innovation development, it is recommended to use the tools for monitoring of the innovation development.

Monitoring of the innovation development is a system of forecasting and identifying the situations and trends that may change the initial external or internal conditions for the formation of an enterprise’s innovation policy. The development of an effective system of the enterprise monitoring is possible on the basis of the introduction of three main types of control – preliminary, current and final.

One of the bottlenecks of the monitoring system is the need to develop and improve the information support for the formation of innovation policy. The solution of the information support tasks is closely linked with the establishment of the responsibility for certain components of the innovation policy of the enterprise. For example, a group of strategic development can be responsible for the development of innovation policy. In addition, in order to increase the responsibility for the development of innovation policy, an optimal distribution of responsibilities between the departments, managers, units is suggested, as well as the establishment of managerial procedures, rights, responsibilities of departments and officials in the process of development and implementation of strategies for the innovation development. Then it will be possible to perform such functions as accounting, analysis and control of the innovative development of the enterprise. Through the distribution of analytical procedures, as well as control over the achievement of the goals and objectives, the full use of opportunities for the economic growth and the innovation-based competitiveness can be achieved.

Keywords: innovation policy, monitoring, control, analysis, strategic planning, in­novation potential, innovation development, forecasting of innovation activities, or­ga­nizational and informational support, motivation of innovation activity, financing, ma­na­gement, enterprise, market, competitiveness.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2018-2-57-124-131

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