Alternative post-printing processing options and level of use of book editions

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Kudriashova A. V. № 1 (66) 32-38 Image Image

The necessity of researching brochure-binding processes and the use of book products is identified. Three key stages of production and formation of demand for a book are singled out: design of post-printing processes, implementation of post-printing processes, use of book editions. The factors affecting each of the stages are outlined. A semantic network describing the relationships between the identified stages is developed. A semantic network is a model in the form of a directed graph, the vertices of which are the analyzed stages, and the arcs show the connections between the vertices. A matrix of pairwise comparisons is synthesized to determine the weights of the stage factors. At the same time, the relative importance of matrix elements is established on the basis of Saati’s scale of relations between objects, which makes it possible to compare some number with the degree of superiority of one factor over another. The components of the main and normalized vectors of the matrix of pairwise comparisons are determined using the program “Simulation modeling in system analysis by the method of binary comparisons”. With the help of the method of expert assessment of the importance of the studied stages, three alternative options for their implementation are formed, which, for convenience, are presented in the form of a table. The optimal implementation option is determined by the method of linear collapse of criteria. For this, the normalization criteria (maximum eigenvalue of the main eigenvector of the matrix of pairwise comparisons, consistency index, consistency ratio) and, accordingly, the value of the utility functions of the alternatives for each stage, are calculated. Among the set of projected alternatives, the alternative with the maximum utility value is considered optimal.

Keywords: design of post-printing processes, implementation of post-printings processes, use of book editions, alternative, optimal option, multi-criteria optimization, semantic network.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2023-1-66-32-38

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