Factors of efficiency of software development methods

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Senkivskyi V. M., Білик О. З., Senkivska N. Ye. № 1 (66) 11-22 Image Image

The end of the last century became a period of active attention to software, when the quality of software systems and individual components became active “participants” in the formation of the quality and reliability of information processes, technical and organizational complexes, in which they became one of the defining components. Since the introduction of the term “software engineering” into circulation, this issue has constantly appeared in the field of view of theoreticians and professional programmers. As a result, it has become possible to develop industrial software production, the emergence of structured programming, modularization of programs (the presence of autonomous modules and special routines) and the related development of block-oriented and object-oriented programming languages. Special attention is paid to decision-making regarding the choice of the most appropriate software development methodology for a specific project. Familiarity with the most common software development tools suggests that certain methodologies are process-oriented, others are people-oriented, some specialize in a type of product, others are more general, some are suitable for small software systems, others are effective only for large projects, and so on. Since changing the methodology after its implementation takes a lot of time and costs for the company, it is important that the choice of the optimal software development tool is the final stage of the formation and approval of the technical terms of reference for the project.

In the proposed publication, a comparison of the most characteristic software creation methodologies is made, their advantages and disadvantages are characterized in terms of their application efficiency. The set of factors common to all that influence the choice of methodology and its suitability to ensure the proper quality of the software product obtained using the specified means is singled out and considered. The results of the study can serve as a convenient tool for companies to choose the appropriate approach to the organization of the software development process.

Keywords: software, software development methodology, main characteristics of methodologies, life cycle, methodology selection factors.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2023-1-66-11-22

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