Language game as feature of postmodernism in journalist`s text

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Hershun H. O. № 2 (51) 248-253 Image Image

Language game (in electronic versions of newspapers «Day», «2000» and «Segodnya») as a part of postmodern phenomena is researched in this article. We have analyzed modern texts, separated and classified the main types of language games in journalists` texts, which are specific metaphor, derivation, intertextuality, wordplay. General functions of language games are aesthetic and influent (including rating and manipulation). They turn journalists` materials into a kind of hyper reality. Such texts exist independently, because they are full of interpretations, but not facts. These interpretations reveal themselves by means of irony. With this re-search, we prove the presence of postmodern course in the field of mass media.

Keywords: postmodern, language game, intertextuality, irony, comical effect.

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