Management professionalism and its impact on reducing the enterprise bankruptcy risk

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Hirniak O. M., Lazanovskyi P. P. № 2 (59) 105-112 Image Image

The results of the study of literature sources on the methods of determining the professional level of the manager, his style of leadership have been presented. The essence of the manager as a decision maker (DM), the main features of DM and his impact on the effectiveness of the enterprise have been considered. The dependence in the market conditions of quality of decision making and bankruptcy of the enterprise has been emphasized. Making the best economic decisions depends on the level of professionalism of management. This is illustrated by the example of two enterprises with the conventional names “Red Rute” and “Perspective”.

Based on the actual data of the analysed companies, using modern methods, the estimation of the level of managers and their basic features has been presented. The influence of DM on the psychological compatibility in the team, its psychological climate has been shown. The method of determining the psychological climate has been selected. The influence of the psychological climate on the effectiveness of the enterprises has been shown.

In the conditions of the market and the fierce competition for the industrial enterprise, the significant factor of its successful activity is the absence of probability of its bankruptcy.

Based on the analysed literature, the formula for calculating E. Altman’s five-factor model has been used to study the probability of bankruptcy of an enterprise [2]. Using the statistics of LLC “Red Ruta” and PE “Perspective”, the calculations of indicators corresponding to the state of bankruptcy according to the suggested model have been done.

The analysis of the level of competence on the basis of the existing education of managers of the institutional, managerial and technical level of the analysed enterprises, the calculations of the level of managers on the basis of the Zharikov test, the leadership style using the methodology of the company “ESSO”, the determined psychological climate in the teams shows the influence on the quality of economic decisions. The results of the bankruptcy probability calculation at the analysed enterprises confirm its connection with the quality of the economic decisions made.

Keywords: management, manager, professionalism, requirements for manager, problem, decision maker (bankruptcy), bankruptcy, model.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2019-2-59-105-112

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