Peculiarities of innovative marketing at the regional level

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Homolska V. V. № 2 (55) 75-83 Image Image

In the article, the theoretical basis for the development of innovative marketing at the regional level has been researched. The innovative marketing has been defined as the marketing of new information technologies in business, state and municipal structures. The main principles of innovative marketing are: the comprehensive study of the market, demand, tastes and desires of innovator consumers; the adaptation of the supply of innovative products to the requirements of the innovative market; the influence on market and demand in the interests of the company – producer of innovative goods and services. In the process of managing the development of territories, modern management technologies, such as regional marketing, are widely used. Today, the Internet provides fundamentally new opportunities for the implementation of regional marketing, as it ensures the access to the world information resources, the wide coverage of the target audience, the reliable and quick feedback, it simplifies the evaluation of the effectiveness of the marketing policy. Subjects of the regional Internet marketing are all areas of social and economic life of territories and their development, and the elements of regional Internet marketing are determined by common goals and directions of implementing regional information policy.

Keywords: innovative marketing, innovative product, regional marketing, Internet marketing.

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