Presidential election campaign in the USA: results, consequences, social and political responsibility of the media

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Paslavskyi I. I. № 2 (53) 316-326 Image Image

The article deals with the political, economical, psychological, and mass media agents of a republican candidate’s victory in the presidential election campaign in the USA. The first reaction of the world leading politicians to the results of the presidential election has been clarified; the publications of political observers and mass media experts in top-rated Ukrainian editions on the choice of the American people have been analyzed. The concept of social and political responsibility of mass media in key election campaigns has been emphasized. Populism has been proved to be established as a political movement in stable democracies, thus the victory of the populist candidate is going to boost it. It has been stressed that American and world media disseminate populists’ news pegs, thus increasing their personal ratings and the authority of their political bodies.

Keywords: USA, presidential election campaign, mass media, concept of social and political responsibility of media.

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