Publishing activities of the Ukrainian diaspora in the USA and Canada before the 1st world war

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Savchuk H. M. № 2 (51) 312-319 Image Image

The article considers the information about the beginning of Ukrainian emigration publishing houses in the United States of America and Canada. Special attention is granted to the emigration press. Reasons and circumstances of its appearance and development before 1914 are analyzed. The role of Ukrainian printing in these countries attached to Ukrainian informational space in the emigration formation is emphasized. Common and different touches in beginning of Ukrainian emigrant’s publishing activities in The United States and Canada are followed. Author tries to demonstrate the influence of these differences on next estate of Ukrainian emigration in both countries: its unity, external activity, preservation of own identity by integration in political and social life of states. The contribution of Ukrainian emigration press and publishers in universal Ukrainian informational space is noted.

Keywords: Diaspora, informational space, “America”, “Freedom” (“Svo­bo­da”), “Canadian farmer”.

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