An important socio-humanitarian and economic problem is the adaptation of people with vision problems in everyday and professional life. The solution of these important problems is regulated by international and national conventions, memoranda and laws. In particular, the problem of special training and production of Braille editions remains relevant for people with vision problems in almost all countries of the world. Vacuum forming processes are widely used in the publishing and printing, packaging, advertising, food and other industries. In particular, the vacuum forming technology is widely used for the production of printing products for people with vision problems. Vacuum forming technology involves heating a thermoplastic sheet blank to a highly elastic state, followed by forming and cooling. The vacuum forming method differs from others in ease of manufacturing, compactness, relative cheapness of equipment and technological devices. Today, this technology is one of the most promising for the production of bulk products from polymer materials. One of the main elements of vacuum forming technology is the matrix, which can be made from various types of materials. The selection of material for manufacturing the matrix depends on the quantity of the order, the quality of the product surface, the manufacturing accuracy, cost and other factors. The approbation of the improved vacuum forming technological process using cardboard matrices for applying the Braille font is carried out. The research is conducted on the quality of Braille application by vacuum forming technology using PVC films with a thickness of 0.2 and 0.3 mm. The study of the dependencies of the height and diameter of Braille elements depending on the diameter of the elements on the cardboard matrix and on the parameters of the improved technological process is conducted.
Keywords: vacuum forming technology, technological parameters, Braille font, cardboard matrix, PVC films, element diameter, element height.
doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2023-1-66-117-123
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