Stock exchange activities on the stock market of Ukraine: problems and development prospects

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Bezpalko I. R., Bazyliuk V. B. № 1 (62) 133-141 Image Image

The article is devoted to the research of the problems of exchange activity in the stock market of Ukraine. The stock market activity is analysed during the last five years in terms of trade organizers, types of securities and types of markets. It is determined that the domestic stock market has a very low level of development; the number of instruments offered on the market is limited, the stock market does not fulfil its basic function of attracting issuers of financial resources on it. The main factors that hinder the development of stock exchanges in Ukraine in modern economic conditions are presented. It is determined that their integration into the international financial space becomes important for the successful development of domestic stock exchanges. In addition, this process has both advantages and disadvantages, which are reflected in the research. It was noted that an important measure should be the consolidation of all existing exchanges and other trade organizers through the introduction of a single trading platform with standard listing criteria and the formation of fair market prices for any financial instruments. Along with this, it is also important to create an effective risk management system during clearing and settlement, electronics of exchange activities. In turn, the intensification of stock exchanges will help attract investors to finance innovative development processes in domestic industrial enterprises.

Keywords: stock market, stock exchange, securities, trade organizers, exchange contracts, development dynamics.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2021-1-62-133-141

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