The place of corporate culture in the process of selecting the effective management technologies at the domestic enterprises

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Diuk O. M. № 2 (57) 110-115 Image Image

Today, any enterprise can’t function effectively and develop without an appropriate management system that allows to correctly link all the elements into one single or­ganism. General management at the enterprise consists of a large number of interrelated operations that form processes aimed at performing basic management functions. When there is a choice of management technology at the enterprise, the solution requires a significant number of factors: sufficiency of appropriate resources for its implementation, time, sufficiency of skills and knowledge, and the like. One of the most problematic in this respect is personnel management, since the workforce is a very unstable system and requires a special approach. A proper corporate culture can help, which acts as an effective instrument of management influence. But, unfortunately, it pays less attention to domestic enterprises and it always remains in the background. Therefore, the ac­tualization of the establishment of the place of corporate culture in the management process at the domestic enterprise is increasing.

According to the results of our research, we have formed a decomposition definition of the concept of “corporate culture”, in which we have identified that the corporate culture influences mostly the management of personnel precisely.

In our opinion, it can be argued that the corporate culture is a combination of key processes for the internal environment of the enterprise, that allow the transfer of core values and ideology and can significantly affect the management of personnel.

But not only personnel management in the corporate culture can be effective. To da­te, cor­porate culture at enterprises covers a significant number of links: the culture of ma­na­ge­ment, the culture of relationships with counterparties, the culture of production, and so on.

Not all management technologies can be suitable for the enterprise. Due to the fact that a significant number of top-managers of enterprise neglect the corporate culture that was formed in their institution and the management technology chosen by them does not give the desired result and as a result the enterprise management incurs significant time, financial and personnel losses. Therefore, we have identified elements and principles of corporate culture that should be adhered to when selecting a particular management technology in order to maximize the desired effect.

Keywords: corporate culture, enterprise, management technologies.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2018-2-57-110-115

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