The priorities in forming of the infrastructure institutes of the regional publishing and printing cluster development

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Bazyliuk V. B., Palyha Ye. M. № 2 (51) 125-132 Image Image

It has been determined that the use of the cluster approach is possible only if a number of infrastructure and non-infrastructure conditions are available. A number of priorities according to aspects of the infrastructure of the complex typology integration of the publishing and printing cluster approach have been formulated. The key priorities in forming of the infrastructural regional publishing and printing cluster have been grounded. The organizational and economic model of innovation oriented cluster has been presented and the infrastructure institutions that are necessary for its development have been identified. There have been also proposed the model of vertically integrated cluster, which involves stages of development and necessary infrastructure institutions. The model of conglomerate type cluster of justification of priority infrastructure institutions has been elaborated.

Keywords: infrastructure development, institution, cluster, integration, model.

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