Theoretical aspects of the formation of the enterprise competitive potential assessment approach

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Bazyliuk V. B., Світлицький В. А., Скарбарчук Т. В. № 2 (65) 130-136 Image Image

The essence of the theoretical basis for assessing the level of competitive potential of enterprises is explained, with an analysis of the main methodological approaches for conducting such an assessment. Based on the form of presentation of the results, it is proposed to distinguish analytical, matrix, and graphic methodological approaches to assessing the level of the company’s competitive potential. The main requirements for the methodology of assessing the company’s competitiveness potential are formulated: comprehensiveness of the assessment – accounting of the parameters of the enterprise in all functional areas, including the efficiency of the production process; sustainability and prospects of the enterprise; the presence of an integrated indicator of competitiveness potential; availability, continuity and compatibility of information used in the assessment of competitiveness potential. The components of the approach to assessing the level of the company’s competitive potential are presented, which consists in an integral assessment of six potential elements (production, labor, financial, innovation, marketing and management), which have a decisive influence on the competitiveness of the potential. The proposed approach of carrying out an integrated quantitative assessment of the level of the enterprise’s competitive potential allows to create conditions for a more justified choice of the enterprise’s adaptation strategy, to create a basis for an objective assessment of the competitive advantages of the producer in the foreign and domestic markets and the real possibilities of their optimal use in practical activities. The proposed approach makes it possible to manage the competitiveness of enterprises, which is an urgent problem in modern business realities.

Keywords: competition, competitive potential, approach, method, integral asses­sment, enterprise.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2022-2-65-130-136

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