Categorical models of representation of the structure of aggregates and data transmission channels in the hierarchy of complex systems

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Durniak B. V., Sikora L. S., Lysa N. K., Sabat V. I. № 2 (65) 11-21 Image Image

The article analyzes the state of the problem of structuring complex systems, defines dynamic systems in time on the terminal control cycle, develops a model of the terminal system in the space of states. The reactions of the system when the states change relative to the input and output parameters are analyzed and the state space for the dynamic system is determined. It is substantiated that the classical structure of the representation of the system in the form of a black box does not reflect the active activity of energy transformations, and for the formation of energy-active processes, at least two streams of active resources are needed, accordingly, a model of an energy-active block with an energy transformation operator is proposed.

The causative factors of emergency situations are design errors, limited knowledge about the structure of technological systems and energy systems, gaps in the understan­ding of information about the dynamics of destructive processes that can occur during the operation of energy-active objects and during data transmission in system hierarchy. In the work, categorical models for the representation of the structure of aggregates and data transmission channels are substantiated and developed, the definition of the global system and its states and reactions to disturbances and control are presented, a theoretical-multiple description of the system in spatial-temporal coordinates, dynamic in time, is provided.

The identification of the main threats and crisis situations in complex hierarchical structures allows for a detailed analysis of factors of external influence and attacks on the system and, accordingly, to create preventive methods of protection and security of such structures based on the developed model of the scenario of situational management under the conditions of threats to the system in the terminal control cycles and system reactions to changes in states under the influence of external negative factors.

Keywords: cyber security, risk, threat, attack, technological structure, hierarchical management system, information technology.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2022-2-65-11-21

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