Formation of the information basis for ensuring the economic security of industrial enterprises by developing a model of priority effects of key external environments

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Ratushniak Yu. V., Shtanhret A. M., Sukhomlyn L. Ye. № 2 (55) 93-100 Image Image

In the context of increasing uncertainty in changing the environment of operation and the priority of preserving business, the availability and the effective functioning of the enterprise’s economic security system becomes decisive. The effectiveness of the security agent’s actions is determined not only by the number of employees in the specialized unit, but also by their resource support, to the greatest extent – the information. The information, being the basis for the adoption of each managerial decision, requires maximum attention, and the achievement of the necessary quality indicators for eco­no­mic security applications – the implementation of interrelated procedures for obtaining, systematizing, generalizing, verifying, etc. The level of economic security of this enterprise depends significantly on the ability to timely recognize and implement certain protective measures against external and internal threats. The application of mathematical modelling has allowed determining the priority of the impact of external threats on the economic security of industrial enterprises, which is an information basis for the development and implementation of managerial decisions by security subjects.

Keywords: accounting and analytical support, security, threat, model, solution.

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