New approaches to classification of institutions

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Bazyliuk V. B., Palyha Ye. M. № 2 (53) 153-158 Image Image

The essence and possible approaches for classifying institutions are described in the article. It was proved that one of the most important, taking into account the research of institutions impact on the functioning of complex social and economic systems, is an approach which provides the division of institutions into basic and secondary. The classification allowed to offer a graphical interpretation of the classification of institutions, which consists of the following major groups: according to the economic content and legal forms; in view of the evolutionary development; the consistency feature; based on the inter-level approach; the functional purpose; the degree of maturity; from the position of elements of system and organizational structure of the society; the importance for the functioning of the system; the degree of impact on the economic system; the impact on economic growth.

Keywords: institute, classification, institution, system.

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