Phenomenology of a runic sign as a communication means

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Chekshturina V. M. № 1 (50) 341-348 Image Image

The runic sign as a means of social communication has been considered. It has been proved that the semantic component of runic signs-symbols eventually undergoes transformations. It has been also determined that the rune symbol is a sign due to the classification of the semiotic model by Charles Peirce. A runic sign-symbol has been considered as a system component of the communication process. The stages of transition from a sign to a sign-symbol have been defined. The sign functions by A.Solomonik have been analyzed, and the general and specific features of runic signs-symbols have been distinguished. It has been determined that the phenomenon of a runic sign-symbol as a means of information storing is in its communicative properties and ambiguity: each rune sign has about twenty semantic values that are decoded depending on the context. The vectors of the runic signs diversification have been defined according to their functional indications.

Keywords: sign, rune, communication, function, diversification.

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