Use of advertising in forming an image of a modern company

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Sabat V. I., Мацюк В. В., Durniak B. V. № 2 (67) 145-153 Image Image

The approaches to interpreting the concept of «advertising» by various scholars are analysed, and the most suitable definition is provided. The opinion is expressed that advertising persuades people about the importance of adhering to a specific «big idea,” contributing to improving their satisfaction from meeting needs, reducing market risks, and acting as a constant controller of public opinion. In market relations, it is nearly impossible to underestimate the importance of advertising.

Modern researchers define advertising as a means of creating a company’s reputation, providing information about its brand, introducing customers to new products, and increasing sales volumes. It is emphasized that advertising tools are an integral part of corporate image formation in the contemporary world. The most effective methods of creating image advertising are listed.

The formation and maintenance of a strong image require significant expenditures and time, creating a contradiction between the need for immediate profit and long-term investments in the image. However, the loss of market position can be practically irreversible, making image formation a process that requires a proper approach and clear direction. It is crucial for the image to be easily memorable and straightforward, avoiding an overload of information.

The conclusion is drawn that successful positive image formation can be achieved through the collaboration of design, psychology, advertising, and PR professionals, collectively shaping the image in the eyes of consumers across various sectors, such as social, state, and internal corporate spheres. A positive image leads to economic and social gains, ensuring a high brand value, market share expansion, and increased brand significance. Social gains manifest in the opportunity to participate in charitable activities, sponsorships, patronage, and support for ecology and employment, making a substantial contribution to brand promotion. This approach becomes particularly relevant in modern times of economic instability and political uncertainty, where the company leadership feels the need to adapt and compete in new markets.

Keywords: advertising, advertising types, image advertising, advertising channels, economic feasibility of advertising, online advertising tools.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2023-2-67-145-153

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