Organization and implementation of practice of marketing audit on publishing and printing enterprises

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Bazyliuk V. B., Bezpalko I. R. № 2 (55) 180-187 Image Image

It has been defined that the marketing activity at the domestic publishing and prin­ting enterprises today is characterized by the fragmentation, lack of system marketing research and developed information system, which in its turn complicates the adaptation of these structures to changing market conditions. It has been determined that marketing audit as an integrated and systematic analysis of the external and internal environment of the enterprise is an effective means of managing the marketing of the enterprise and controlling its results. The peculiarities of organization and introduction of marketing audit practice at publishing and printing companies have been considered; the place and role of marketing audit in the system of enterprise management from the standpoint of marketing planning and marketing control have been defined. The structuring of the marketing audit process with the definition of the applied methods at each stage, taking into account the specifics of publishing and printing activity has been implemented. The expediency of application of the practice of marketing audit in publishing and printing enterprises with the purpose of improvement of their economic situation and increase of competitiveness has been grounded.

Keywords: marketing, marketing control, marketing planning, publishing and printing activity, process, environment of enterprise, efficiency, methods, strategy of activity.

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